About The Haute Suite

We believe in…

Empowering Women

Our vision is to empower the lives of 30,000 women through organization, so they can create time and space for what matter most.

Often the unsung heroes in the world, we’re sympathetic to your plight. You’re doing all the things, and you strive to do it well. You work hard, play hard and give your best in all that you do.

We see you, we support you, and we’re listening to you.


The earth is our home, it should be a clean place, providing peace and security for generations to come.

The Haute Suite is committed to making a difference as a home organizer and doing our part, by utilizing sustainable and eco-friendly products such as wood, bamboo, stainless steel, organic fabrics and recycled plastics within our clients home.

Our goal for 2024, is to source 90% of our organizational products from sustainable resources such as these.

Giving Back

Giving back is at the heart of what we do. We’re passionate about helping those in need to have the resources and necessities for daily sustenance, health and education.

We donate a portion of our revenue each year towards various charities that support women and children with these provisions.

Organizing Logic

You have the power to create more joy in your life, by simplifying your surroundings and the right organizational systems to go with it.

It’s not your stuff that creates joy, but it’s the people, experiences and your innermost values that create lasting happiness.

Clutter crowds your mind, not just your home and your personal space.

Organization, like all good habits, come easily and naturally with a little time and practice.

It’s never too late to start creating time and space for what matters most.

It always seems impossible, until it’s done.

Let our home organization services take the stress away and help you get organized. Chat with us!


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