Master the Art of Home Organizing with a Professional Organizer’s Top Tips

Organizing your home can feel overwhelming, yet with guidance from a professional organizer, it becomes a comprehensive process that starts with assessing every nook and cranny of your space [1]. By writing down a detailed plan and setting specific dates and times for each task, the journey towards achieving your organization goals becomes more manageable and less daunting [2]. This initial step not only sets the stage for productivity but also aligns with the principles of professional organizing, ensuring that you're not just decluttering but creating a system that supports your daily life.

Taking a methodical approach, such as tackling one small project at a time and prioritizing items based on their frequency of use, simplifies the process and makes it more approachable [2]. This strategy underscores the importance of functionality over aesthetics, encouraging you to aim for a practical home instead of an unattainable Pinterest-perfect image [2]. Additionally, setting a tangible deadline for your organizing projects, like the anticipation of a dinner party or the arrival of a new season, can serve as a powerful motivator to stay on track and see your efforts to fruition [3]. Embracing these professional organizer-endorsed tips not only elevates your living space but also sets a foundation for lasting productivity and a clutter-free environment.

The Psychology of Home Organization

The Psychology of Home Organization

Understanding the psychological benefits of an organized home can significantly enhance your well-being. Here are some key insights based on recent studies:

  1. Stress Reduction: Organizing your space can lead to decreased cortisol levels, thus reducing stress [4]. This is further supported by evidence showing a 27% reduction in nervousness with improved organization [8].

  2. Enhanced Focus and Productivity: A decluttered space minimizes distractions, which enhances your ability to concentrate and improves productivity [4]. Studies have shown a 25% improvement in mental inspiration and increased performance on visual tasks in organized environments [8].

  3. Improved Mental Health: Living in a cluttered home can escalate stress, depression, and anxiety, negatively impacting personal relationships [4]. Conversely, organized spaces are linked to improved mood, reduced depression and anxiety, and enhanced self-esteem [6].

  4. Physical and Mental Health Benefits: Organizing can be a physical activity that promotes health and also provides therapeutic benefits [4][8]. It also leads to better sleep quality by creating a calming atmosphere, free from chaos [4].

  5. Relationship Enhancement: A tidy environment reduces tension and conflict, fostering better relationships by setting clear physical and emotional boundaries [4].

  6. Healthy Lifestyle Promotions: An organized space can influence healthier food choices, as it reduces the need for coping mechanisms like overeating [4]. This aligns with the broader benefits of home organization, which include promoting healthy habits and potentially offering financial benefits through better time and resource management [5].

Each of these points underscores the profound impact that home organization can have on your psychological and overall health, making it not just a chore, but a significant component of a healthy lifestyle.

Room-by-Room Organizing Strategies

Decluttering and Organizing Room by Room

Entryway and Mudroom Organization

Start by decluttering shoes, boots, jackets, and accessories in the entryway, mudroom, or foyer to create a welcoming space [12]. Utilize wall space with hooks for robes, hoodies, and necklaces and keep a shelf in the closet for storing the next day's outfit, helping with laundry, and storing perfumes and everyday jewelry [12]. Keep shoes off the floor by storing tall boots in a hall closet and use a utility shelf or a wall shelf with gold hooks for holding keys, mail, and other small items [12][18].

Living Room Arrangement

Organize horizontal surfaces and filter out clothes by season and formality [19]. Utilize baskets for storage to maintain a relaxing and calm environment and define the room's purpose by going vertical with storage pieces [19]. Use large paper clips to hold cables for desk organization and sort cords in a recycled shoebox [17].

Kitchen Efficiency

Make use of wall space with cubbies or shelves that go up to the ceiling [19]. Get rid of what doesn't belong, nix bulky packaging, and double your storage space [19]. Keep items that are used together in the same area and discard or donate items that have not been worn in the past year [19]. Organize items based on type and frequency of use and use neat folding techniques to maintain order and tidiness [19].

Bedroom Optimization

Organize clothes and accessories in a way that makes sense to you [19]. Make use of wall space with cubbies or shelves that go up to the ceiling and organize clothes by season and formality [19]. Utilize under-the-bed boxes and drawers for storing items and shoe storage options include over-the-door shoe holders or wooden racks [19].

Bathroom Organization

Utilize individual cubbies for each family member and keep linens in a separate storage area [19]. Purge personal items frequently and organize products in bins or mesh organizers for easy access [19]. Use a shoe organizer for storing stuffed animals and create a gallery wall for kids' artwork [17].

Basement and Attic Solutions

Create an organizational system with shelving and labeled bins for different categories of items [17]. Utilize baskets for storage and fake a linen closet by installing a shelving unit in a bathroom to store towels if there's no linen closet [16][17]. Use a pegboard to hold cups, straws, and brewing equipment and roll up a cart for bathroom linen and toiletries storage [16].

By following these strategies, you can effectively declutter and organize your home room by room, creating a more functional and pleasant living environment.

Innovative Storage Solutions

Innovative Storage Solutions

Utilizing Containers and Separators

  1. Sorting with Containers: Implement a system using containers to sort items into categories such as 'Put away', 'Fix/mend', 'Recycle', 'Trash', and 'Donate' [12].

  2. Drawer Organization: Use separators to maintain organization within drawers, ensuring everything has its place [10].

Repurposing and Reusing Items

  1. Old Jars and Containers: Repurpose Mason jars and old shoeboxes for storing everyday items like pens, makeup sponges, or scarves [15].

  2. DIY Drawer Inserts: Reuse boxes as drawer inserts to organize spaces in bathrooms and desks [15].

  3. Creative Uses for Dish Racks: Employ dish racks to store kitchen supplies or use them under cabinets with removable hooks for additional storage [21].

Innovative Hooks and Racks

  1. Command Hooks: Install Dollar Tree command hooks on cabinet doors to hang cleaning supplies, optimizing unused space [21].

  2. Shower Curtain Rings: Utilize these for an inexpensive solution to keep hair ties organized [21].

  3. Cabinet Shelves: Use these for additional storage in closets, particularly for items like purses [21].

Specialty Storage Solutions

  1. Lazy Susans: Place Lazy Susans in cabinets for easy access to frequently used items [23].

  2. Magnetic Strips: Install magnetic strips in bathrooms to hold bobby pins or in kitchens for knives [23].

  3. Peg Boards and Hooks: Integrate peg boards for adjustable storage in garages or crafting areas, and use hooks for items like tools or kitchen utensils [19][23].

Maximizing Unused Spaces

  1. Underutilized Wall Space: Mount bikes on walls or use walls for book storage to free up floor space [16][19].

  2. Back of Doors: Utilize the back of closet doors for storing items like shoes or accessories, maximizing space [22].

By incorporating these strategies, you can transform cluttered spaces into well-organized areas, making your home more functional and visually appealing.

Decluttering Tips and Tricks

Decluttering Tips and Tricks

Start with a Clean Slate

Before you begin decluttering, it's crucial to start with a clean and empty space. Remove everything from the area you're focusing on and sort items into categories like clothes, shoes, and accessories [13]. This approach helps you visualize the space and plan more effectively.

Three Box Method

Employ the three box method during your decluttering session. Use one box for items you wish to keep, another for items to donate, and a third for items to discard. This method simplifies decision-making and helps you organize items quickly [25].

Evaluate and Categorize

As you sort through your belongings, be critical about what to keep. Ask yourself if items are necessary, used frequently, or hold sentimental value. Create specific categories for your items, such as 'keep', 'donate', 'sell', and 'discard', to streamline the process [11].

Regular Decluttering

Make decluttering a regular habit. Set aside time daily or weekly to declutter different areas of your home. This prevents clutter from accumulating and makes the task less daunting [20][27].

Use Technology

Consider transitioning to digital formats where possible. Go digital with appliance manuals, bills, and notes to reduce paper clutter. Utilize apps to help manage household tasks and keep track of important documents [15].

Visualize and Plan

Visualize the layout you desire for your home and set clear goals to achieve it. Create a decluttering schedule with deadlines to keep yourself accountable [11]. Knowing what motivates you can also keep you inspired throughout the process [11].

Smart Storage Solutions

After decluttering, focus on organizing what remains. Use smart storage solutions like adjustable drawer dividers, containers for small items, and labels for easy identification. This helps maintain order and makes it easier to find what you need [22][15].

Lifestyle Considerations

Remember that decluttering is not just about removing physical items; it's also about making lifestyle adjustments. Recognize that every item you own costs you in terms of storage, cleaning, and maintenance. Be mindful of new purchases to avoid re-cluttering your space [11].

By following these strategies, you can effectively reduce clutter in your home, leading to a more organized and stress-free environment.

Organizing on a Budget

Stick to Your Space Budget

To manage your organizing expenses effectively, it's crucial to be realistic about the storage space you have. Avoid purchasing new storage solutions unless absolutely necessary, as this can lead to unnecessary spending and clutter [15].

Seek Help from Friends and Family

Don't hesitate to ask friends and family if they have any organizing items they no longer use. Often, they might have unused bins, baskets, or shelves that can be perfect for your organizing needs without costing you a dime [15].

Thoughtful Shopping

When you need to buy organizing supplies, take a moment to think about each purchase. Ask yourself if the item will be used regularly, if something similar already exists in your home, and where it will be stored. This mindful approach helps prevent impulse buys and ensures that everything you purchase has a clear purpose and place in your home [15].

Maintaining Your Organized Space

Designated Spaces and Routine Practices

Assign Designated Spaces

To maintain the order in your home, assign specific locations for items. This practice prevents items from being misplaced and makes it easier to find things when needed [20].

Establish Routines

Create routines for tidying up and maintaining organization. Depending on your needs, these could be daily, weekly, or monthly routines [20]. For instance, start a load of laundry before work and always leave a room with something in hand to put away [27]. Tidy up during downtime, such as during TV commercials or waiting for dinner to cook [27].

Effective Strategies for Ongoing Organization

Revolving Door Method

Implement the revolving door method: at the end of each season, turn hangers towards you and return worn items with the hanger facing away from you. This helps determine what to donate, keeping your closet refreshed and manageable [28].

Regular Decluttering

Schedule regular decluttering sessions. Spend 30 minutes daily on organizing tasks during winter months to avoid clutter build-up [13]. This is akin to having a workout routine for your home, keeping it in shape and functional [30].

Visual and Written Plans

Keep a home organization to-do list and have a written plan. Schedule tasks to ensure you stay on track with your organizing goals [2][31]. This helps in visualizing the end result and measuring progress.

The Benefits of a Professional Touch

Hiring a Professional Organizer

Consider hiring a professional organizer if maintaining order becomes overwhelming. They provide expert perspectives on what to keep and what to toss, help declutter your space, and suggest practices to keep the space tidy [28]. This is similar to enlisting a trainer or nutritionist to help with personal fitness or wellness goals [29].

By following these methods, you can ensure that your space remains organized, functional, and aesthetically pleasing, making your home a more comfortable and stress-free environment [4][26].


Throughout this article, we've explored the transformative power of organizing your home with professional organizer tips, the psychological benefits of a clutter-free environment, room-by-room strategies, and budget-friendly approaches to tackling clutter. Starting with a detailed plan and embracing functional over aesthetic goals allow for a more manageable decluttering process, while the psychological impacts underscore organizing as a path to well-being, enhanced focus, and stronger relationships. The room-by-room guide and innovative storage solutions offered aim to create functional, pleasant living spaces, further emphasizing the importance of a systematic approach to decluttering and organization.

In closing, the journey to an organized home is not just about the physical rearrangement of items but about adopting a lifestyle that fosters productivity, tranquility, and fulfillment. Regular decluttering sessions, smart storage solutions, and maintaining designated spaces for items can transform daily living into a more efficient and stress-free experience. Embracing these principles not only maximizes space but also promotes a sense of peace and accomplishment, making your home a true sanctuary. Remember, organizing is a continuous journey that, when embraced fully, can bring lasting changes to your home and overall quality of life.


1. What are some effective strategies for organizing your home like a professional?
Professional organizers and tidy individuals often adopt daily habits that significantly contribute to maintaining an orderly home. These habits include making your bed every morning, keeping a donation bag in each clothing closet, placing a trash bin near the mailbox to immediately dispose of unnecessary mail, and utilizing hooks to hang items and keep surfaces clear.

2. What is the Japanese method of decluttering known as?
The Japanese decluttering technique, known as the KonMari Method™, involves tidying up items by category rather than location. This method starts with clothes, followed by books, papers, miscellaneous items (komono), and sentimental items last. The core principle is to retain only those items that truly resonate with you emotionally and to let go of those that no longer bring joy.

3. What does the tidy toss method entail?
The tidy toss method is a straightforward approach to decluttering where you simply throw smaller items into baskets or containers rather than meticulously organizing each item within a space. This method focuses on quick sorting and containment rather than detailed arrangement.


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